ISSN 0862-5468 (Print), ISSN 1804-5847 (online) 

Ceramics-Silikáty 64, (3) 278 - 288 (2020)

Reynaert Camille 1,2, Sniezek Edyta 1, Szczerba Jacek 1
1 AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, al. Miockiewicza 30, 30-59 Krakow, Poland
2 Early Stage Researcher of the European Commission, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks in the frame of the project ATHOR - Advanced Thermomechanical multiscale modelling of Refractory linings 764987 Grant

Keywords: Refractory / refractories; Corrosion testing; Steel industry; Slag; Molten steel; Static / Dynamic tests; Contact angle (wetting); Hot stage microscopy; Sessile drop test; Crucible test (cup test); Finger test (immersion test, dipping test); Rotating finger test; Induction furnace test; Rotary slag test; ATHOR; Review

The steel industry is one the biggest consumers of refractories. In this industry, refractories are commonly used as linings for steel production equipment, because they can sustain high temperature and corrosive attack in their working environment. However due to the harsh conditions, their life span is limited. Corrosion mainly by slag and molten steel is the principal phenomenon responsible for degradation and wear of the refractory bricks. It is a complex phenomenon that is due to infiltration (penetration) into and subsequent dissolution of the refractories by slags and molten steel. A thorough understanding of these mechanisms is necessary in order to improve the refractories behavior for steel making applications. However, even nowadays, no laboratory test can reproduce the real working conditions in the steel industry. According to the parameter of interest several testing methods have been developed. They can be static like the sessile drop test or crucible test or dynamic like the rotary slag test. This paper describes the principal corrosion tests used in the steel industry in order to give an overview of the way to determine and finally alleviate the impact of corrosion on refractories.

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doi: 10.13168/cs.2020.0017
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