ISSN 0862-5468 (Print), ISSN 1804-5847 (online) 

Ceramics-Silikáty 68, (1) 143 - 149 (2024)

Wianglor Kornnika 1, Aodkeng Supakporn 1, Sinthupinyo Sakprayut 2, Piyaworapaiboon Manow 2, Hanpongpun Wilasinee 2, Chaipanich Arnon 1
1 Advanced Cement-based Materials Research Unit, Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand
2 Research and Innovation Center, SCG Cement Co., Ltd., Kaeng Khoi, Saraburi 18260, Thailand

Keywords: Metakaolin, Cement, Alkali activated, Setting time, Compressive strength, Drying shrinkage

The strength development (up to 28 days) and drying shrinkage of alkali-activated metakaolin-Portland cement mortars at room temperature curing using an Na₂SiO₃ to NaOH ratio of 1.5 were investigated. The effects of different Portland cement (0-30%) and metakaolin (70-100%) mixes are reported on. The setting time and drying shrinkage were found to be reduced with increasing Portland cement contents when both materials were used. The early strength at 3 days was higher for the 100MK mix, but higher strength developments between 3 and 7 days were found in PC-MK mixes. At 28 days, the highest compressive strength was found in the mixes with a metakaolin content between 80-85%. The TGA analysis results showed that the N-A-S-H/(N, C)-A-S-H phases were detected as a geopolymer product.

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doi: 10.13168/cs.2024.0013
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