ISSN 0862-5468 (Print), ISSN 1804-5847 (online) 

Ceramics-Silikáty 35, (1) 53 - 66 (1991)

Dubanská Věra
Geological Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rozvojová 135, 115 00 Prague, Czechoslovakia

The effect of 2M solutions of alkali hydroxide and carbonates on vanadium glasses at 90 °C and under hydrothermal condition at 180 °C were studied. X-ray analysis and scanning electron microscopy showed that in dependence on the composition of the glasses and the solutions, the hydrothermal decomposition at 180 °C yields analcime, feldspars, foids, clay minerals and cancrinite. The reactions at lower temperature (90 °C) produced, apart from sodalite, above all the zeolitic phases phyllipsite, chabazite, analcime and synthetic zeolites Pc, A, KH F. The crystals of the products in soar as they were well identifiable by electron microscopy, were analyzed for the content for vanadium: the highest content was found in analcime (3-10%), zeolites A and H (1-2%) and virtually no vanadium wa. determined in phlillipsite and synthetic zeolite Pc (˂ 1%).

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